Diego Di Barletta
Diego Di Barletta is the Senior Principal of the Finance and Banking practices.
Diego joined Chaberton Professional in May 2023, bringing with him a remarkable network established over the course of a career spanning more than 20 years, full of consolidated and meaningful relationships with renowned executives and senior managers.
He has overseen numerous significant and prestigious assignments in the financial services sector over the years. He has additionally supported international corporations, PE funds, and business owners in determining their organizational needs and assisted some relevant multinational companies develop their projects on an international level.
Diego built and positioned the Executive division of one of the largest, most recognizable HR consulting groups in the world for nearly nine years prior to joining Chaberton, where he also served as an Italian board member.
He began his career in head hunting in 2001 and gained professional experience in a number of reputable and specialized multinational head hunting businesses. He also participated in successful start-ups and held positions with progressively more responsibility, including board positions.
Diego holds a degree in Law at the Università degli Studi di Milano and a Master in HR and spent two years in the Big five dealing with Employment and labour Law Consulting.